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Working for Equality - Celebrating Womanhood

At Lioness Tile, we are proud of the incredibly talented and creative team of women that form our core. But there is so much more to do, and we as a society need to collectively challenge dated notions and create a level playing field for women and girls everywhere. This international women’s day, we share our thoughts and initiative toward this much-needed change and the road ahead.

Daminder Kaur

Working for Equality - Celebrating Womanhood

At Lioness Tile, we are proud of the incredibly talented and creative team of women that form our core. But there is so much more to do, and we as a society need to collectively challenge dated notions and create a level playing field for women and girls everywhere. This international women’s day, we share our thoughts and initiative toward this much-needed change and the road ahead.

‘Educate a woman, educate a nation’ - this thought is a crucial reminder of the transformative power that educated, confident and independent women can have in creating an open, fair and progressive society. International Women's Day (IWD) began in 1908 when 15,000 women marched through New York city for perks equality, and today has evolved into a global movement for equality, inclusion and social development. The theme of IWD this year,  #EachForEqual resonates with our mission at Lioness Tile of empowering local women artisans with skills, a thriving livelihood and give them a platform to showcase their incredible artistic talent with each beautifully crafted tile at Lioness Tile.

Despite significant strides in women’s progress made by generations over time, the reality is still grim and gender inequality remains a sore thumb to our social development. As per UNDP Global Inequality Index (GII) report, India ranked 129 out of 189 countries. The report notes that a majority of both Indian men and women still hold biases against women, indicating a widespread patriarchal prejudice. “In India, 11.7% of Parliamentary seats are held by women (compared to 17.1% in South Asia). And 39% of adult women have reached at least a secondary level of education (39.9%in South Asia) compared to 63.5 percent of their male counterparts,” the report said.

Lioness Tile joined the ‘B-Corp Movement'’ last year because of our passion to use our business as a force for good in the world - we’re proud of the fact that fiercely capable women form over 50% of our management and 75% of our artisan team. We stand committed to movements like We the change - Women Together’, where a group of B Corp Women CEOs recognize their collective power and responsibility to groom and promote the next generation of women leaders.

At Lioness Tile, we have our own pride of women leaders who have all come together on this day to tell the world that an equal world is an enabled world, and we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day. And let’s not forget, the importance of male allies cannot be stressed enough. Together, let’s celebrate and recognize the talent and potential of the women in our personal and professional lives. Let's all be #EachforEqual.

Aditi Juniwal

Aditi Juniwal - A woman all her life adapts to changes thrown at her, silently. Let her speak not just this day, but every day, they are the real architects of society. Happy International Women’s Day:) remember "Her Voice is Important."

Daminder Kaur

Daminder Kaur - We are talented, strongest but may not be born with the courage. We all learn it but few may need little support to show courage to take on the challenges and show their talents. Let’s do small things differently to support each other to create an equal and enabled society.

Dolly Gandhi

Dolly Gandhi - There’s nothing a man can do that we can’t do better and that too in heels:)

We can do anything we put our mind and soul. We can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak. We can face adversity and still walk dauntless. We are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could every say. Today is ours, as any other day.

Happy Women’s Day to all my wonder Women’s !!

Kelly Duffield

Kelly Duffield - As we celebrate International Women’s Day 2020, let it be a reminder that we need ALL need to keep working toward the day when everyone in mankind is a feminist!


Shubhangi Joshi

Shubhangi Joshi - Women’s rights are everyone’s rights. The ripple effect of a just and unprejudiced society impacts everyone - our men, children and our entire culture and consciousness.

Together, we can.  

Tejas Kaur

Tejas Kaur- We are at our best when we cheer each other on and build each other up. Thank you to all the strong women who fought and continue to fight for change!

Happy International Women’s Day:)

Michelle Malpass and Tanya JarettHappy ‘international women's day

Michelle Malpass and Tanya Jarett - We all know that this world would mean nothing without a woman or a girl. Women are stronger than anyone can imagine. Let's celebrate their endless power today. Happy Women's day.