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Boosting Positivity at Home with The Ancient Science of Vaastu-Shastra

Planning to decorate your home? This time, try redecorating according to the ancient architectural principles of Vaastu, and you’ll notice positivity flowing into your space. Curious to know what Vaastu is? Read on to find out more about this fascinating science.

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Boosting Positivity at Home with The Ancient Science of Vaastu-Shastra


Boosting Positivity at Home with The Ancient Science of Vaastu-Shastra


Planning to decorate your home? This time, try redecorating according to the ancient architectural principles of Vaastu, and you’ll notice positivity flowing into your space. Curious to know what Vaastu is? Read on to find out more about this fascinating science.

In a nutshell, Vaastu-shastra literally translates to ‘the science of architecture’ and is a traditional system of architectural rules and concepts. This ancient system originated in India and describes guidelines for architectural design, spatial arrangement, measurements, layouts and more. According to Vaastu-shastra, building and organizing space in accordance with its principles can bring harmony, peace, and prosperity to those who dwell within it.

For over a thousand years, the knowledge of Vaastu and astrology has helped people live fulfilling lives. In ancient times, the knowledge of Vaastu was used by kings and yogis alike. Rulers were always in search of ideal locations to set up their seat of power. They looked for regions where all elements of nature - such as the water, soil, wind, and earth - were in harmony with each other. Similarly, yogis (Indian ascetics) searched forests and high mountains to find that perfect spot to reach the deepest state in meditation and tap into their inner power to its fullest.

Vaastu can bring balance & harmony in a home by translating the concept of Vaastu-Purusha Mandal for placements of furniture, usage of colors, in the form of tiles, mirrors & shapes in a room to enhance the function & activity in each room. This allows the cosmic energy to flow smoothly through the home, without any hindrances.

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It is possible to boost the positivity and Vaastu of your home by choosing different handmade tiles (where color and shape matter the most).  In this series of blogs, I will be suggesting colors as well as various shapes and patterns for 16 Vaastu zones where I will help people to change the course of their lives through Vaastu.

Vaastu is almost an Indian twin to the Chinese architectural philosophy of Feng-Shui, and it was developed and practiced a hundred years before the Feng Shui came into existence

‘Vaastu’  can also be called ‘acupuncture in space’, as it studies the movement and flow of energy in each space. As an acupuncturist and a ‘Vaastu' practitioner, I aim to sustain the flow of energy and clear blockages to ensure a free flow of energy within a home or workplace.

If this short introduction to this fascinating philosophy has brought up questions in your mind, feel free to ask them, and I’d love to answer!

About the author: Neelu Bindra is a Vaastu specialist based in Delhi, India. She also harbors a deep interest in astrology and numerology. She has worked with numerous clients and has helped boost the productivity and positivity of their living/working spaces by tuning them according to the principles of Vaastu.